Igra za Xbox One

Oddworld: Soulstorm: Enhanced Edition - Collectors Edition (Xbox One & Xbox Series X)

Oddworld: Soulstorm: Enhanced Edition - Collectors Edition (Xbox One & Xbox Series X) 3760156487267
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Oddworld: Soulstorm: Enhanced Edition - Collectors Edition (Xbox One & Xbox Series X)

Ostale opcije:
€149,99 z DDV
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Oddworld: Soulstorm is the bigger, badder, bolder action-adventure platformer sequel of the renowned video game series, and the explosive second installment in the quintology after Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty . You play as Abe, the reluctant Mudokon hero who inadvertently sparked an uprising and now must lead his fellow Mudokons in their fight for freedom against the planet’s leaders.

Abe will struggle for survival against the planet’s ruling and well-funded power. They are armed with all means of oppression, from propaganda to biological to ruthless deadly force. You can try to learn Abe’s destiny and free over 1,000 of his followers or fail and see the eradication of his entire species. Explore massive cinematic scale and 2.9D environments filled with breathtaking visuals. Scavenge for supplies, craft weapons, arm your followers, solve puzzles, and safely deliver all of Abe’s 1,000 followers to freedom.

The Day One edition includes an exclusive embossed metal case.


  • Action-Adventure Platformer: Evolving the platforming genre by adding RPG-lite elements with player agency to play as they like, whether aggressively or passively.

  • Narrative: A dark storyline with a twisted sense of humor that shines a light on the ironies that exist in the human condition.

  • 2.9D: Epic environments with massive scale to explore by going into the world, rather than being limited to the traditional side scrolling platformer sense.

  • Quarma (think Karma): Quarma is a real time feedback feature that reflects your actions in the game and your actions will influence the outcome of the game.

  • Scavenger’s Economy: Pickpocket enemies, loot lockers, sift through trash cans to acquire resources. Exchange them at vending machines to get products that give you more agency in how you chose to conquer the game’s many challenges.

  • Crafting: Use scavenged resources and vending machine products to craft items to use as weapons or tools against characters and obstacles.

  • Strength in Numbers: The more followers you save, the stronger the uprising becomes. Gift crafted items to followers. It’s up to you to decide whether they will be aggressive or passive.

  • Gameplay: A 2.9D action adventure platformer. First time playthrough is 15 hours. Achievement hunters and perfectionists can easily play for dozens of hours.

  • Leaderboards: All levels offer a tallying system, leaderboards, achievements and badges.

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